Waste and recycling services
We can manage your waste and recycling needs, ensuring your business is reducing its impact on the environment by ensuring all your waste is diverted from landfill and using your waste as a fuel source to generate electricity. Our solutions are bespoke and tailored to your requirements. Services can include general waste, mixed recyclables, food and cardboard. We can also manage your secure shredding needs to ensure your business complies with data protection.
By partnering with a single supplier, compliance and traceability is never an issue and gives you reassurance that your waste and recycling is being managed to a high standard.
We can arrange and manage all types of services and schedules for all of your different waste streams and where required duplicate the process across multiple sites. We can help you find the most cost effective and green solution for your business needs.
BD Group can also advise on all aspects of environmental management and reducing a building's environmental impact. Click here to find out more.