BD Group joins British Institute of Cleaning Science | News

BD Group joins British Institute of Cleaning Science

BD Group is now a corporate member of the British Institute of Cleaning Science (BICSc).

The British Institute of Cleaning Science is the largest independent, professional and educational body within the cleaning industry with over 45,000 Individual and Corporate Members in the UK and Internationally. It works to raise the standards of education and to build awareness of the cleaning industry through professional standards and accredited training, thereby;

  • Protecting the operative
  • Providing a clean and safe environment
  • Preserving assets
  • Promoting sustainability
  • Producing best practice

BD Group has joined BICSc as part of our commitment to best practice, offering exceptional cleaning services to our clients and developing the skills and knowledge of our cleaning staff.

We look forward to working with the BICSc team to utilise all the benefits that membership will bring us and our clients.

For more information on BICSc visit

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